50 Yorktown Road, Elizabeth Park SA 5113

Every child counts
and every child matters!

Positive Reinforcement Strategies

Positive reinforcement strategies are used to support and encourage children to demonstrate positive behavioural choices such as those highlighted in our School Norms. In Reception-Year 2 we focus on a strategy known as 'Bucket Fillers'.  It is a concept that encourages positive behaviour as children see how very easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation, and love on a daily basis.  Children discover that when they fill someone's bucket, they fill their own.  Bucket filling is the moment by moment choice to be kind and caring.

In Years 3-7 teachers focus on Class Dojo when students make positive choices.  Class Dojo improves specific student behaviours and engagement by awarding and recording.  It captures and generates data on behaviour that teachers can share with parents.  By giving students visibility and data on their own behaviour Class Dojo supports a positive classroom culture.